Help Controller/Keyboad Mapping    Channel Player Ver1.31 Applet LLC

at SciFi Theater Room

Select the title you want to play with the stick and press the A button to start playing. The A and B buttons are interchangeable depending on "Change AB, XY" in the settings dialog.

By moving the stick up and down, 1. Name Order, 2. Update Date Order, 3. Favorites, 4. Unplay Title Name Order, 5. Unplay Title Update Order, 6. History, 7. Search.

 Each title is displayed for each folder in which video files are saved. If there are multiple still image files in that folder, they will be updated each time they are displayed.

Folders containing only still image files and zip and cbz files are treated as comic books and displayed as a single title.

  Titles that have been set as favorites in the property dialog will have a red heart in the upper right corner.
 A blue diamond is displayed in the upper right corner for unplayed titles.

 If the folder where the contents are placed is not set, the title will not be displayed, so please set it in the WebDAV setting or folder path setting of the setting dialog.

  Xbox Game Controler Oculus Touch Keyboard
Play or
"Play as Trigger" is Enable
"Play as Trigger" is Enable
Enter or Space
Chenge Contents or oror
"Play as Trigger" is Disable
"Play as Trigger" is Disable
Help See Radial Menu-R H
Setting Dialog at Not Search Line at Not Search Line Escat Not Search Line
Property Dialog Z
Search Dialog at Search Line at Search Line Esc at Search Line
Recentor R
HMD Tracking Off/On and and X
Exit  press 2 seconds or
Use Setting Dialog

press 2 seconds or
Use Setting Dialog.
Esc press 2 seconds or
Use Setting Dialog.


Setting Dialog

Settings dialog:
 Various settings are possible.

Explanation of setting items

LR Swap Swap the left and right images when playing 3D VR SBS (LR) videos  
Display on the Top Switch the screen display destination to the sky For use while lying down. Initializing (re-centering) the camera position may cause a problem.
Move Camera at Play Enable camera movement with left and right sticks during video playback  
only Pause Make the above camera movement only during video playback pause  
Desctop Camera Enable PEnable video display on PC desktop  
Play as Trigger Allow left and right triggers to start playback You can no longer select and move the title with the left and right triggers
Change AB, XY Swap A,B X,Y buttons
Set WebDav Select and set WebDAV as the top folder selection destination where the file you want to play is placed When closing the settings dialog, switch to WebDAV or folder path, whichever was set last
Set Folder Path Select and set the internal storage as the top folder selection destination where the file you want to play is placed
Cache Clear Clear cache of file list loaded at startup If there is a cache file by default on startup, it will refer to the cache side. If the cache is invalid due to a change in the number of folders, etc., it will be reloaded at startup. If a video file has been added, please clear it if you want to reload
Quit exit the app  
Move Foloder Move the titles set as favorites to the _favorite folder directly under the top folder Create the _favorite folder if it does not exist. It doesn't work with WebDAV.
Search Jumps to the search line using the currently displayed title information and displays the search dialog  
Property Display the file list dialog of the currently displayed title  
Return Close the settings dialog  

If you use the AB button to change the toggle button for AB and XY swapping, the decision button and the close button will be swapped, making it difficult to set the toggle button as expected.


The leftmost version number notation is 1.31 correctly.

  Xbox Game Controler Oculus Touch Keyboard
Click Button or or or or Enter or Space
Chenge Button or or or
Exit Dialog Esc

Folder Setting Dialog

 Folder setting dialog is open from Setting Dialog's Set Folder Path Button.
 Select the top folder of the video file. The folder directly under the top folder is treated as a category folder, and the folder name is expanded for each line.

The memory button on the left is used to memorize the currently displayed folder location. Set with set. It will be initialized with clear. To select, click the memory button (the set folder name is displayed).

  Xbox Game Controler Oculus Touch Keyboard
Click Button or or or or Enter or Space
Chenge Button or or or
Exit Dialog Esc


WebDAV Setting Dialog

 WebDAVsetting dialog is open from Setting Dialog's Set WebDav Button.
 You can set WebDAV http address. like a or
 no type http://
 WebDAV Server spec are no https, for all users as no use ID and no use Password, and Allow Anonymous Property Queries is True.

 By pressing the "prev" and "next" buttons, you can select the WebDAV address that was set in the past.

  If you specify a WebDAV address that does not exist, it will not be able to read forever, so please enter the address of the WebDAV server in a separate web browser and check that WebDAV is running.

 Set the WebDAV address to the folder name at the top of the folder group where the video files are placed. If there are folders directly under this folder, treat them as category folders and expand them to each line below the search line.


  Xbox Game Controler Oculus Touch Keyboard
Click Button or or or or Enter or Space
Chenge Button or or or
Exit Dialog Esc

Property Dialog

Property dialog:  In the properties dialog, you can set favorites, play each individual file, and open the corresponding folder in Explorer.
 Clicking on the path indicator in the upper left corner will start playback from the first file, ignoring the resume information.
 If you click on the button with the file name, it will start playing from the beginning of each file.
 By clicking the button to the right of the file name button, you can specify the format (360, 180, FishEye180, 2D and LR, TB, Mono, Auto) for playback of each file. If the setting is not set, it will be displayed as NA, but if it is changed in the radial menu during playback, the setting will be reflected.

  Xbox Game Controler Oculus Touch Keyboard
Click Button or or or or Enter or Space
Chenge Button or or or
Exit Dialog or

Search Dialog

 The search dialog can be displayed when you are in the search line or from the "Search" button in the settings dialog.  
Video titles can be searched by keywords or extracted words using the search dialog.

  Switch between the two input screens with the "word" or "key" button at the bottom left.

  The word display screen displays different tables of extracted words with the "priv" and "next" buttons.
Search the title with the keyword currently entered with "enter".

  Xbox Game Controler Oculus Touch Keyboard
Click Button or or or or Enter
Chenge Button or or or
Exit Dialog Esc



Radial Menu-R

Radial menu is RB/LB on Xbox game controllers. On Oculus Touch, it is displayed by tilting the stick while pressing RG/LG.

  Xbox Game Controler Oculus Touch
Open/Close Radial Menu-R and and
Select Menu Item oror oror


 Radial Menu-R1
Button Name Explanation
Help View Help Toggle
Last Jump to Last Title
Change to Radial Menu-R2
First Jump to First Title

 Radial Menu-R2
Button Name Explanation
Default Makes the brightness the default.
Bright Make it brighter
Change to Radial Menu-R1
Dark Make it dark

Radial Menu-L

Radial menu is RB/LB on Xbox game controllers. On Oculus Touch, it is displayed by tilting the stick while pressing RG/LG.

  Xbox Game Controler Oculus Touch
Open/Close Radial Menu-L and and
Select Menu Item oror oror


 Radial Menu-L1
Button Name Explanation
Top Jump to top line.
Change to Radial Menu-L2
Bottom Jump to bottom line.
Favorite Jump to favorite line.

 Radial Menu-L2
Button Name Explanation
Fast Up Jump to up lines.
Change to Radial Menu-L1
Fast Down Down to down lines.
History Jump to history line.